Friday, December 21, 2007

Two most fast ways to set up SubVersion server

Here I would like to introduce two quick instructions to set up Subversion server, this is for people who can't wait to set up and using Subversion. But in order to use Subversion correctly, I still strongly recommend people to study Subversion books in detail.

I. Set up Subversion server running over svn:// protocol

  1. After you install Subversion, open shell, change directory to subversion's /bin folder.
  2. Type svnadmin create <Your Resporitory Path>

    For example: svnadmin create /home/svn-repos
  3. Then Subversion will create necessary files into repository folder.
  4. Change directory to repository, you will find "svnserve.conf" and "passwd" two files under "{repository-root}/conf" folder.
  5. First to open "svnserve.conf" file, you can just clean all of the default content, and just put the following content into that file.




  6. After that, open "passwd" file. Follow the syntax below to add user name and password.




  7. Finally, start Subversion server.

    Change directory back to subversion's bin folder, execute svnserve -d -r <Your Repository Path>
  8. Now you can start to commit and update source with your team members.

II. Set up SubVersion server running over http:// protocol
<This part will be added soon....>

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